What is INP Interaction to Next Paint - Google Web Core Vitals - Explained

What is INP Interaction to Next Paint - Google Web Core Vitals - Explained

When it comes to web core vitals, one metric that has gained significant importance is the Interaction to Next Paint (INP). But what exactly is INP and why does it matter to Google?

What is INP - Interaction to Next Paint?

INP measures the time it takes for a webpage to become interactive after the user has initiated an action, such as clicking a button or scrolling. It is a crucial metric for user experience as it directly impacts how users perceive the responsiveness of a website.

Why does INP matter to Google?

Google has been placing increasing emphasis on user experience as a ranking factor. With the introduction of web core vitals, metrics like INP have become key indicators of a website's performance. Websites that provide a seamless and interactive experience are more likely to rank higher in search results.

INP Drives Positive User Experience

Google's algorithms are designed to prioritize websites that offer a positive user experience. By optimizing for metrics like INP, web developers can ensure that their websites meet Google's standards and are more likely to appear at the top of search results.

How to improve INP?

There are several strategies that web developers can implement to improve INP. Optimizing code, reducing unnecessary scripts, and prioritizing critical resources can all help speed up the interaction to next paint time. Additionally, leveraging browser caching and minimizing render-blocking resources can further enhance the user experience.

Why improve INP?

By focusing on improving INP, web developers can not only enhance the performance of their websites but also boost their chances of ranking higher on Google. Prioritizing user experience metrics like INP is essential in today's competitive online landscape.

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